Vertical Alignment: Inner Task Series by Jeanine Siler Jones

“…hope is not intended to be an extraordinary infusion, but an abiding state of being. We lose sight of the invitation—and in fact, our responsibility, as stewards of creation—to develop a conscious and permanent connection to this wellspring. We miss the call to become a vessel, to become a chalice into which this divine energy can pour; a lamp through which it can shine.” (Cynthia Bourgeault, Mystical Hope, p. 17)

On Tuesday of this week Wisdom Waypoints launched 10 Mystical Hope book circles with 13 seasoned leaders and 175 participants worldwide. We began a collective reading of this foundational book of Cynthia’s while also including a focus on engaging practices together. For our Friday Inner Tasks for the next 4 months we will anchor in the monthly task we are offering in our book circles. Our aim is to return to the repetition that can guide us as we work consciously with attention in our daily living. The invitation is to see our conditioning and the ways we are not present, without judgement, then allow all to be held in a greater awareness as we return again and again to presence.

Monthly Inner Task:

Sense into your vertical alignment by connecting with your spine—beginning at the base of the spine, below your sacrum all the way up to the top of your spine where you tilt and nod your head. Sense into your “I AM” presence in your spine. Set for yourself the outer task of pausing and returning to your verticality throughout the day, just being present there. Invite an inner attitude of sensing your presence and noting that you are a vessel of hope, receiving and pouring out divine energy.
For this first week, we invite you to simply focus on connecting with your spine. Spend some time sensing into your spine. Return, notice and connect with your spine throughout the day, whenever you remember. Make that your ‘step one’ practice this week.