Ask Cynthia

Have you ever wished you could ask Cynthia a question directly? Here is your chance to inquire about a theological musing or gain clarification on a spiritual theme you have read or heard about. Cynthia will periodically select from the questions submitted and respond below.
A few guidelines: Please note this is not a portal for spiritual direction or personal advice. Additionally, all questions and answers are for the public domain. Please be aware of this when sharing personal details.
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Recent Question and Answers
Spiritual Growth with Fr. Keating
My question is: is the story Thomas tells – or image he offers – on pp 12-13 of Invitation to Love, a veiled description of himself (and perhaps Thomas Merton – a composite story) from his early years and ascetical phase at St. Joseph’s in Spencer?
Finding the Heart of God in Gurdjieff
I have been in the Gurdjieff work for nearly 20 years now but I have always felt there has been something missing, an avoidance of talking about and looking for God.
Slipping Into Dualism
How might I more fully incorporate these heart-mind openings from the (uncommonly seen) aperspectival into meditations and daily layperson life?
Centering Prayer and Sailing
Is there any connection between Centering Prayer and your interest in sailing small boats? If so, what is it?
Eternal Hell
Spurred by your endorsement of Ladislaus Boros’ work, do you also believe in the possibility eternal hell—or some version of eternal separation from God—for some beings?
Mary as Perfect
I enjoyed reading your book on Mary, and the fifth way rings true for me. However, I would like to go one step further with what Mary did at the anointing. In the anointing at Bethany, Jesus is the perfect human, fully aware of his impending death, and Mary is the perfect human, fully aware…
Interior Life as a Celibate
How can I feel safe in this world, and how can I get on my feet to actually be of service? What guidance would you give someone trying to live a balance interior life as a celibate? I have become an acupuncturist, and find great fulfillment in that, but my personal life is full of…
Aspiring to Higher Realms
There’s question that ‘bothers’ me for some time now. It is about the Worlds, us being ‘normally’ in World 48 and there being Worlds on a ‘higher’ or way more subtle level and Worlds on a ‘lower’ level, like world 96. As human beings, we aspire to the higher Worlds, At least I hear this…
Concentrate Yourself
I have been working with the Gurdjieff exercises for the last year or so. Recently I’ve begun to experience a hazy sleepiness. Any ideas with what might be going on and how to work with this?
Inner Observation Fluency
Do I have “some fluency in inner observation” to be able to attain the Inner Observer or Witness Practice level of spiritual development?
Using the Word in Centering Prayer
Do I have to use the Word in Centering Prayer? To me saying the word seems like an extra, unnecessary step.