There’s a question that has bothered me for some time now. It is about the Worlds, us being ‘normally’ in World 48 and there being Worlds on a ‘higher’ or way more subtle level and Worlds on a ‘lower’ level, like world 96. As human beings, we aspire to the higher Worlds, At least I hear this in a lot of the teachings. And I, as almost everyone, aspire to give to the higher World. I feel moved by the goodness of the higher World or goodness moves me, because it gets me in touch with the higher world. And it is the Higher world that I long to serve.
Question: If Worlds are equally valid and have their rightful place in ‘the harmony of the spheres’, how come we aspire so much to the ‘higher’ Worlds ( 24, 12 even. . .)?
Why is it, that I try to get away from world 96 to strive for, serve the energy of the higher, more subtle? Why do I not experience an equilibrium in this, sensing world 96 as ‘valid’ as world 24? Is this maybe, because we all long to return to our common Father ? Thank you so much Cynthia, if you want to answer the question. – Rosemarie
Dear Rosemarie,
Thank you for a very good question, and yes, I happen to agree with you. There is something so firm and uncontrovertible in “for God so loved the world…” While we humans, from our own perspective, struggle to get higher, we forget that some impulse deep within the divine intelligence pushes it toward form, manifestation—i.e., toward the “lower,” where these aspects of the divine heart find exactly the right conditions to play out. The Islamic tradition has it brilliantly. God speaks: “I was a hidden treasure and I loved to be known, so I created the worlds visible and invisible. “ It’s a single, continuous, cosmogonic outpouring from higher into lower and lower into higher that makes the whole thing a single, dynamic whole.
Also, while we’re at it, we might want to circle back for a second look at the assumption that the higher worlds are more full of “goodness” than our own. Goodness is not an automatic correlate of “higher.” More intense, yes; more morally blessed or compassionate, hmmmmmm….. Don’t forget that it was from the higher worlds that Lucifer emerged. Some would say that it is in our middle realm of the “personal” (worlds 12, 24, and 48) that goodness really takes its richest shape. As we move much higher than that (6, and 3), we move toward something increasingly transpersonal; as we move toward 96 and beyond, insentency and mechanicality increasingly dominate. Love comes into its own as it plays against a boundary; this is the great cosmogonic Mystery written not only into our hearts, but throughout the entire created order.
Thanks for the courage to stick by your intuitions and raise a tough question thoughtfully and openly.