Partner Courses
Cynthia Bourgeault’s work is offered not only through Wisdom Waypoints but through many partner organizations as well. Preview Cynthia’s teachings available through our partners, then visit their websites for the most current details.
Wisdom Way of Knowing
An Encounter with Evil Wisdom School
An Encounter with Evil Wisdom School inquires into the nature and presence of evil as a discernible force, with a focus on several key questions for contemporary life.
Imaginal Wisdom School
The Imaginal Wisdom School e-course expands and accompanies Cynthia’s groundbreaking book Eye of the Heart.
Introductory Wisdom School
The Introductory Wisdom School explores the Wisdom way of knowing and growing. Cynthia invites us to awaken to our yearning for a different kind of presence and to develop the skills, knowledge, and actions for our own transformation.
The Divine Exchange Wisdom School
The Divine Exchange is a continuation of Cynthia’s Introductory Wisdom School, delving deeply into the principle of exchange (“giving-is-receiving”), the spiritual foundation of The Christian Wisdom tradition.
Center for Action and Contemplation
Mary Magdalene: Apostle to Our Own Times
Mary Magdalene: Apostle to Our Own Times is an opportunity to see one of Christianity’s most courageous women, featured prominently in the Gospel story, more clearly. Let Mary guide you to a perspective of Christianity you never knew existed, one we so desperately need today.
The Way of Wisdom Jesus
Going beyond the mind to the heart of Jesus’ teaching. Cynthia shares Jesus’ teaching through the lens of nonduality and letting go. The course includes videos, readings, and downloadable PDFs.
Spirituality and Practice
A Simple Immediacy: Desert Wisdom for Advent 2023
Teachings from the Desert Fathers and Mothers on classic Advent themes, newly revised in 2023.
Becoming Truly Human: Gurdjieff’s Obligolnian Strivings
A study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff’s Five Strivings as a basis for a dynamic and deeply transformative Lent.
Centering Prayer
Learn this no-frills form of Christian meditation from one of its most potent teachers. In this online retreat you will learn everything you need to know to get your own practice of Centering Prayer up and running — or if you’re an old hand, to learn some new approaches to refresh and reboot your practice.
Coping and Thriving with Catastrophe
Deep in our souls, we know that life’s tragedies can also yield hidden gifts of profound healing, renewal, and thriving. In this benefit e-course, six pioneers of InterSpirituality share teachings about recovery from the traditions that have shaped their lives.
InterSpiritual Wisdom
A rare opportunity to learn from six pioneers of InterSpirituality: Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, Spiritual Paths Institute, Swami Atmarupananda, Dr. Ed Bastian, Shaikh Kabir and Shaikha Camille Helminski, and Rabbi Rami Shapiro.
Mystical Hope Today: An Online Lenten Deep Dive
Grounded in the original Mystical Hope book, this course combines the best moments from the original book with the growth that has unfolded in Cynthia over the years and with the circumstances we now find ourselves personally and planetarily.
Practical Nonduality
Why has the topic of nonduality suddenly become so hot in our times and what does this say about where our planet is headed and what might be called forth from us?
Spiritual Gifts from the Imaginal Realm: A Lenten e-Course
Cynthia explores the gifts of the imaginal realm that can help us adopt a larger perspective and make a difference today using the cosmic assistance available to us all. She introduces the teachings in her latest book, Eye of the Heart: A Spiritual Journey into the Imaginal Realm.
Spiritual Practices from the Gurdjieff Work
In this e-course, Cynthia Bourgeault will lead you through the practices of G.I. Gurdjieff in a cumulative, sequential way that remains focused on a practical task. She explores what Gurdjieff means by “conscious labor and intentional suffering” and hints at the huge cosmic vision underlying and tying together all these individual practices.
Teilhard for Our Times
A view into the heart and vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Today more than ever, our planet is desperately in need of authentic vision and wellsprings of hope.
The Gospel of Thomas
A complete “Thomas starter kit”: everything you need to know to get you up and running with this remarkable text.
The Gospel of Thomas for Advent
Following a very successful introductory e-course on the Gospel of Thomas, Cynthia Bourgeault returned to lead a first-of-its kind Advent Gospel of Thomas e-retreat. A way to prepare our hearts for a truly blessed Christmas.
The Mystery of Death
An introduction to a little known contemporary mystical gem, The Mystery of Death by Hungarian-born Jesuit theologian Ladislaus Boros, which has been a mainstay of Cynthia’s own spiritual work for more than forty years.
The Wisdom Jesus
This e-course is written in a way that is spiritually inclusive, open to people of all faith traditions — or none — and geared toward transformational practices, not creedal statements. Cynthia approaches Jesus first and foremost as a universal cultural treasure, whose extraordinary teachings and heart exemplify the highest consciousness a human being.
Thomas Keating’s The Secret Embrace
A brand new course focusing on the eight poems in Thomas Keating’s ‘The Secret Embrace’, his final spiritual legacy to the world composed the last winter of his life.
The Contemplative Society
Christophany: Experiencing the Fullness of Christianity
Delving deeply in Raimon Panikkar’s book Christophany: The Fullness of Man, Cynthia Bourgeault deftly illuminates this extraordinary cosmological vision, and boldly asserts “…these are ideas that could change the face of Christianity!”
Conscious Love
In this newly revised teaching, Cynthia Bourgeault explores how conscious love flows from our deeper selves, beyond identification, craving, wanting, and needing.
Contemplative Remembering
How can ancient contemplative skills contribute to the needs of today’s world? In this teaching, Cynthia Bourgeault offers a compelling answer that addresses the modern dilemma of how to end the cycles of violence between individuals, religions, and cultures without dishonoring or discounting those who have been victimized.
Deepening the Practice of Centering Prayer
In this five-day deep immersion retreat, Cynthia moves beyond the scope of introductory Centering Prayer material to focus on the true self and its expression in the world around us.
Desert Fathers and Mothers
Be prepared to discover in this set of teachings the original desert fathers and mothers in a whole new way—as Christian disciples and sages. Cynthia begins by exploring how the desert is a perfect setting both physically and metaphorically for the spiritual seeker.
Eye of the Heart with Matthew Wright
In this set Matthew Wright guides us deep into the Jesus wisdom tradition, a heart-centered (rather than a purely mind-centered) journey toward being fully human while grounded in cosmic oneness.
Going Deeper into the Mystery of Christ
In this recording, Cynthia Bourgeault looks at some of the great mystical texts in the Christian tradition that speak, for example, of “all things being gathered into Christ,” and “the image of the unseen God.”
Practicing Living Presence: Discovering the Mind of Christ Within
In this teaching, Cynthia is accompanied by a group Christian contemplatives as they work their way through Kabir Helminski’s practical, ground-truthed Sufi text “Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the Essential Self.”
Teilhard: A Visionary for Our Time
In this recording, Cynthia presents Teilhard de Chardin’s vision in a way that provides us with direction and hope for engaging with today’s local and global concerns.
The Divine Exchange
In this teaching, we learn how, in the great exchange of giving and receiving, we are fed by and feed other realms outside our earthly reality.
The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three
In her book, The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three, Cynthia Bourgeault explores the hidden—or forgotten—nature of the traditional Christian symbol, the Trinity. In this recording, Cynthia deepens and clarifies our understanding of her written work, helping to strengthen the listener’s resolve on the path to God.
The Way of Union: Teaching by Matthew Wright
In this retreat recording, Matthew Wright guides us through an insightful comparison of the two great mystical traditions of Christianity and Sufism.
Through Holy Week with Mary Magdalene
Without contradicting canonical accounts, Cynthia restores Mary Magdalene as a central figure in the Paschal mystery. This talks is for all Christians interested not only in their own spiritual journey, but also in the future of Christianity as an incarnational faith embodying the way of kenotic love—the way to the cosmic Christ spirit.