Through poetry, contemplation, silence, movement, prayer, and song, Susan Cooper and Beth O’Neil guide us through a moving and poignant opportunity to experience an earth-connecting, Wisdom-infused Solstice gathering for our global community.
Solstice means ‘to stand still’—the moment when the sun itself does precisely that—an imaginal moment of suspension, poise, stillness, opportunity, and also movement. The form of the event takes us through three sections with the course of three turnings:
- First, the turn toward the present moment, a gathering and localizing
- In the second section the turn is toward the heart, and inviting its arisings, its knowings and intuitions and speakings.
- With the third and final turn, and once fortified by the voice of the heart, we return to our world in solidarity and in wholeness, ready to offer our gifts…
Susan Cooper embraces the light and dark in the part of the Earth known as Bragg Creek, Alberta Canada.
Beth O’Neil lives in and in relationship with, the place known as Perth West Australia.
Solstice Gospel Chant: This Joy
This Joy that I have the world didn’t give to me (three times)
The world didn’t give it to me and the world can’t take it away.
This strength that I have………
This love that I have ………
This fire that I have ………
This peace that I have ………
This Joy written by Shirley Ceasar sung by Resistance Revival Chorus