Through chant, poignant readings, practice, and silence Susan Latimer and Beth O’Neil guide us through a connective, contemplative experience of a Wisdom-infused Solstice gathering for our global community.
Here is the recording from the Wisdom Practice Day: Finding Our Feet, Holding our World, held on Friday, September 29, 2023. With everything that the planet is facing at this time, […]
Cynthia speaking on the “Welcoming Practice” and “Waking Up” “In the Welcoming Prayer the energy normally bound up in identification is suddenly vitally freed—sometimes so dramatically you almost hear a […]
Are we all just irrelevant specs? Does our life actually have meaning? Listen to Cynthia Bourgeault discuss her newest book, Eye of the Heart, on the latest goop Podcast. Eye […]
Here are the recordings from the Eastertide Wisdom Practice Half Day held on Saturday, May 20th. This day was situated in one of Cynthia’s favorite thin times of the liturgical year, the […]
This is a Six Day free Holy Week offering on the Passion Libretto from Cynthia and Wisdom Waypoints. The idea to offer this gift to the Wisdom network came into being after […]
In this conversation recorded February 23, 2023, community leader Mary Ann Evans speaks with Cynthia Bourgeault on the topic What About Evil, summarizing the Encounter with Evil Wisdom School held in California earlier that week.
Through chant, poignant readings, practice, and silence Susan Latimer and Beth O’Neil guide us through a connective, contemplative experience of a Wisdom-infused Solstice gathering for our global community.