Eastertide Wisdom Community Practice Half Day Recordings 2023

Here are the recordings from the Eastertide Wisdom Practice Half Day held on Saturday, May 20th. This day was situated in one of Cynthia’s favorite thin times of the liturgical year, the holy hush between Ascension and Pentecost when the resurrected Christ has ascended but the Pentecost not yet descended. It was a day was for anyone wanting to deepen into Wisdom practices with others and stay present to the currents through the final days of the Eastertide season. You can still engage these practices by lighting a candle, settling in, and participating as you listen in to them now.

Part I begins with the Atmosphere Exercise, followed by a time of hearing from Cynthia addressing the Eastertide invitation she left us with to take and live into at the close of A Journey Through Holy Week: The Passion Libretto, as well as a time of question, comments and response. The invitations are based on the truths from the last five sections of the Passion Libretto and are found below.

Part II includes a time of weaving together chanting and further space to reflect on these invitations with Paulette Meier and Heather Ruce, followed by a time for large group quaker style sharing. 

Week of April 10th  – Work with “Behold, I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. I am the vine, you are the branches: Abide in me, as I in you.” Live into this in the light of the resurrection. What does it mean to be the recipient of the new commandment, the commandment of inter-abiding love? In the love of God and each other?

Chant: Abide in me, as I abide in you, we are one, we are one (by Marcelle Martin and Elizabeth Krome, recorded on the album, There Is a Light, by Tribe 1)

Week of April 17th – Work with “I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. You DO know the truth and it HAS set you free.” Live into the truth is not some sort of dogma that you have to sign your name to, that the truth is the way because it is the life, because it opens to freedom and fullness and you’ve tasted that and the challenge now is to live from what I’ve tasted. How do I live the way [The way that walks you to the realization of the Whole] in all of its joys and abundance? 

Chant:  The surest dependence must be upon the Light of Christ within. The Surest dependence must be upon the Light of Christ within (writer:  John Greenleaf Whittier, from “To the Friends Review” (1870); sung by Paulette Meier, on the album Wellsprings of Life: Quaker Wisdom in Chant.)

Week of April 24th – Work with “Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God. And knows God, for God is Love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.“ What does it mean to live in love and let that love that you live in be and bear the fragrance within your atmosphere of God, [if God is love, as you live love, you live God and you know it]?

Chant: The energy of love flows through me. (2x) May all my channels be open, and this love stream forth wherever it is needed (by Paulette Meier, 2022)

Week of May 1st – Work with “Place me like a seal upon your heart. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” How do we perfect this love so that we become fearless, which doesn’t necessarily mean that we have no more fears, but that fear doesn’t hold us back from love? To go beyond the threshold of fear?

Chant:  Set me as a seal upon your heart. Set me as a seal upon your heart. For love is as strong as death, and many waters cannot quench love (by Debbie Brewin-Wilson, on her CD, Wisdom Waits.)

Week of May 15th – Work with “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, Even though he dies. And he who lives and believes in me Will never die.” What does that mean to you? How can this be? Does that mean that we don’t physically die or does that mean that something has already been birthed that is beyond the domain of death?

Chant: I am the resurrection and the life, he who [lives] in me will never die (by Ray Repp, 1965, Folk Hymnal for Young Christians, Volume 2


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