Blog Series

A blessed Christmas, one and all!
A blessed Christmas, one and all!
Wisdom WaypointsDec 22, 20201 min read

Our wholeness is seen, known, and cherished. There is a fullness, a coherence, underlying all the seeming brokenness and randomness. Despair does not have the final word. On this festival day of Christmas, Jesus again steps forward as the symbol…

The Future Coming Toward Us: A Conversation on Gebser with Cynthia Bourgeault and Marcella Kraybill-Greggo
The Future Coming Toward Us: A Conversation on Gebser with Cynthia Bourgeault and Marcella Kraybill-Greggo
Marcella Kraybill-GreggoDec 23, 20201 min read

Photo by Endel Kallas On Monday December 21, 2020 Cynthia Bourgeault sat down with Marcella Kraybill-Greggo on zoom to have a conversation about the work of Jean Gebser. This conversation came into being through the desire…

What Integral is Not: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson VII
What Integral is Not: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson VII
Cynthia BourgeaultDec 29, 20206 min read

Sometimes I wish we could all just declare a temporary moratorium on the term “Integral!!!” What Gebser intended when he chose that name for his emerging fifth structure of consciousness is challenging enough to wrap one’s mind around in the…

Practice: As We Enter the Feast of Epiphany
Practice: As We Enter the Feast of Epiphany
Cynthia BourgeaultJan 7, 20213 min read

Dear Wisdom Friends, As we enter this Feast of Epiphany, celebrating the arrival of Holy Wisdom at the stable, I invite you all to join me over the next twenty-four hours in keeping Wisdom vigil for our American nation as…

Towards a Citizenship of Conscience
Towards a Citizenship of Conscience
Jonathan SteeleJan 7, 202113 min read

I invite you into this read as an invitation to action and a stronger commitment to practice: including the Epiphany practice recently invited by Cynthia, which is posted on the home page blog. Over the last year I’ve worked closely…

Integral as Theotokos: A Western Take on Origin: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson VIII
Integral as Theotokos: A Western Take on Origin: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson VIII
Cynthia BourgeaultJan 22, 20217 min read

Gebser names his book The Ever Present Origin, and Origin is indeed the center point around which everything else in his in his magisterial teaching revolves. But his vision of Origin is unique, to say the least, and highly elusive to…

Martin Luther King and Cosmic Dialysis
Martin Luther King and Cosmic Dialysis
Benjamin ThomasJan 23, 20216 min read

As one’s level of being increases, receptivity to higher meaning increases. As one’s level of being decreases, the old meanings return. ~Maurice Nicoll   Dear Wisdom Seekers, The age-old debate, between contemplative communities and communities of action, has been reinvigorated…

The Baton Has Been Passed: Now Can We Run With It? Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson IX
The Baton Has Been Passed: Now Can We Run With It? Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson IX
Cynthia BourgeaultJan 27, 20217 min read

The Baton Has Been Passed. Can We Now Run With It? No, dear friends, I didn’t send you off on a wild goose chase to immerse yourself in 450 pages of some of the most dense and intellectually challenging prose…

Wisdom and Systemic Racism
Wisdom and Systemic Racism
Heather RuceFeb 2, 202113 min read

As we continue on in the season of Epiphany, the veil still thin, we are invited to bring the gifts of Wisdom to that which is springing forth and desiring to manifest through form in the collective. We are in…

The Heart’s Longing
The Heart’s Longing
Benjamin ThomasFeb 5, 20217 min read

“As one’s level of being increases, receptivity to higher meaning increases. As one’s level of being decreases, the old meanings return” ~Maurice Nicoll These past several weeks have brought an intensification of force and timing to the age old question:…

Online Options to Study with Cynthia Bourgeault: Available Now!
Online Options to Study with Cynthia Bourgeault: Available Now!
Cynthia BourgeaultFeb 7, 20214 min read

It occurred to me that people may want a little guidance as to how to pick and choose among the sudden embarrassment of riches of Cynthia Bourgeault online course options currently opening up for registration. Here’s a bit more information…

The Horse, The Carriage, and the Driver: A Gurdjieffian Slant on a Gebserian Conundrum, Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson X
The Horse, The Carriage, and the Driver: A Gurdjieffian Slant on a Gebserian Conundrum, Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson X
Cynthia BourgeaultFeb 9, 20217 min read

In my last post I invited us all to begin thinking more specifically in terms of the gifts and strengths contributed to the whole by the magic and mythic structures of consciousness. By now we’ve been working in Gebser long…

Afterword to Lesson X: Jean Gebser
Afterword to Lesson X: Jean Gebser
Cynthia BourgeaultFeb 9, 20213 min read

In Beelzebub’s Tales, in the chapter on Beelzebub’s Fourth Sojourn on the Planet Earth, Gurdjieff describes the founding of the original Wisdom School in Atlantis, under the inspired conscience of Belcultassi. The comments and organizational structure seems curiously relevant to the…

Cynthia honored as one of the 100 most spiritually influential living people of 2021
Cynthia honored as one of the 100 most spiritually influential living people of 2021
Wisdom WaypointsFeb 9, 20211 min read

By the skin of her teeth (the way she always seems to do things), Cynthia has made it onto the prestigious Watkins List, honoring the hundred most spiritually influential people of 2021. This recognition comes partly on the strength of…

Peace and Unity: Honoring the Passing of Abdul Aziz Said
Peace and Unity: Honoring the Passing of Abdul Aziz Said
William EspinosaFeb 14, 20213 min read

It seems fitting that Abdul Aziz Said should have passed at a time when our nation cries out for an elusive unity. Professor Said affected thousands as an educator. For six decades, year after year, thousands of students passed through…

The Whole World Needs the Whole World
The Whole World Needs the Whole World
Abdul Aziz SaidFeb 14, 202111 min read

Our friend Bill Espinosa considered Abdul Aziz Said to be his spiritual teacher for many years. In honor of his recent passing, Bill has shared his remembrance, “Peace and Unity” in the Community Forum. This article, written by Said twenty…

The Faces of Time: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XI
The Faces of Time: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XI
Cynthia BourgeaultFeb 25, 20217 min read

Whatever you may take Gebser’s Integral structure of consciousness to be, its most striking characteristic is that it entails a radically different approach to time. Time presents in a strikingly different way in Integral. Gebser rightly describes it as a…

Horse, Carriage and Driver
Horse, Carriage and Driver
Jonathan TetleyFeb 26, 202110 min read

Thanks to a prompt from Cynthia, I have been looking again at Gurdjieff’s notion of the horse, carriage, driver and Master. In fact, it appears that this metaphor is much older. The Hindu tradition—Katha Upanishads states: Know the âtman as…

Further to Time: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XII
Further to Time: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XII
Cynthia BourgeaultMar 2, 20216 min read

There are two other things you should know about Gebser’s “aperspectival” time: it is non-exclusionary, and it is purposive. Linear or perspectival time, the time we’re used to, is exclusionary. Its linear, unidirectional flow provides sequencing and causality. Things that happen earlier cause…

Life With The Lights On
Life With The Lights On
Benjamin ThomasMar 9, 20218 min read

As we curate life from the food in our atmospheres… Earlier in Lent, I set the stage for one of the greatest rites of Jesus’ initiation—the Transfiguration—by mentioning the gospel which is probably one of the better known photographs of…

Sacred Listening
Sacred Listening
Nancy BloomerMar 14, 20214 min read

Are you a good listener? I confess that I am not. In conversation I get excited and barge in with a comment; or I get distracted and forget what the other person is saying. We all have our conversational quirks…

What’s New with Cynthia
What’s New with Cynthia
Wisdom WaypointsMar 25, 20213 min read

The following update was recently posted by friends at The Contemplative Society, and provides a great summary of my recent and upcoming activities. What’s new with our Principal Teacher Cynthia Bourgeault? Recently we’ve heard from a number of you wondering…

Good Friday: Love’s Embrace
Good Friday: Love’s Embrace
Wisdom WaypointsMar 31, 20213 min read

In stillness nailed to hold all time, all change, all circumstance in and to love’s embrace Beloved One, creation longs to be held in the great hands of your heart; O let us know this now. Into them we place…

That You Love One Another (John 13:34)
That You Love One Another (John 13:34)
Wisdom WaypointsMar 31, 20212 min read

Take Off Your Shoesby Adwoa Lewis-Wilson Take off your shoes,In fact, remove all your coverings –The cloak of achievement, adornments of knowledge,              Every false veil of ‘self’.For the place you stand is holy ground.Here is where I will burn away…

Holy Saturday: In Him All Things Hold Together
Holy Saturday: In Him All Things Hold Together
Wisdom WaypointsMar 31, 20214 min read

We see that at Christ’s death the whole world entered upon a cosmic spring the harvest of which will be the remaking of our universes in newness and splendor. At the moment of Christ’s death the veil in the temple…

Easter: We Awaken in Christ’s Body
Easter: We Awaken in Christ’s Body
Wisdom WaypointsMar 31, 20215 min read

All of nature with its forms and creatures exist together and are interwoven with each other. They will be resolved back to their own proper origin, for the compositions of matter return to the original roots of their nature. Those…

Absence: Forest of Longing
Absence: Forest of Longing
Paula PryceApr 2, 20217 min read

Part I, Holy Week 2021, Maundy Thursday. Absence mills around the body like a guard dog pacing the fence line. Rigidly keeping off the night creatures, jealously defending its property. I am within a picketed sphere of isolation. Longing, despair,…

Presence: Forest of Fear and Joy
Presence: Forest of Fear and Joy
Paula PryceApr 4, 20217 min read

Part II, Holy Week 2021, Easter Sunday I throw open the gate to rushing wind and creaking branches. Not knowing what lays ahead, I step into the forest with my companions, fear, awe, and more hesitantly, joy. Like many, perhaps…

Following the Path Laid Down for Me – A Letter from Cynthia
Following the Path Laid Down for Me – A Letter from Cynthia
Cynthia BourgeaultMay 1, 20215 min read

Dear wisdom friends, By now the word is out that I am officially stepping back from active duty as a core faculty member at the Center for Action and Contemplation. As a newly minted “faculty emeritus,” I will no longer…

Go Beyond the Mind: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XIII
Go Beyond the Mind: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XIII
Cynthia BourgeaultMay 18, 20216 min read

Cynthia Bourgeault continues her unfolding series of reflections upon Integral structures of consciousness and ideas brought forth in Jean Gebser’s masterful book, Ever Present Origin. If you’re new to Gebser’s revelatory ideas, Cynthia recommends starting with Seeing Through the World:…

Enstasy: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XIV
Enstasy: Exploring Jean Gebser, Lesson XIV
Cynthia BourgeaultMay 23, 20217 min read

Cynthia Bourgeault continues her series of reflections upon Integral structures of consciousness and ideas brought forth in Jean Gebser’s book, Ever Present Origin (EPO). See below for related resources and links to prior posts. In all honesty it must be…

Imaginal Systematics: Eye of the Heart Book Review
Imaginal Systematics: Eye of the Heart Book Review
Wisdom WaypointsJun 4, 20217 min read

The following review of Cynthia’s book Eye of the Heart: A Spiritual Journey into the Imaginal Realm is provided by David Lorimer from Paradigm Explorer, the journal of The Scientific and Medical Network, edition 2021/1 Cynthia Bourgeault is a mystic…

Primordial Breathing – Stonington Wisdom School
Primordial Breathing – Stonington Wisdom School
Benjamin ThomasJun 10, 20213 min read

Dear Wisdom Seekers, I’m just back from a week away in Stonington, Maine with friends and teacher, Cynthia Bourgeault, diving directly into the insides of what mystical courage might look like when we actively choose to keep within in order to…

Evolutionary Theory and the Common Good: The Beginnings of a Wisdom Inquiry
Evolutionary Theory and the Common Good: The Beginnings of a Wisdom Inquiry
Cynthia BourgeaultJun 27, 20217 min read

One of the more surprising revelations to grow out of our winter’s pilot “Civics for Wisdom Students” project has been the growing realization that while our Constitution pays lips service to “the Common Good,” it actually makes very little constitutional…

New Member of Our Wisdom Council
New Member of Our Wisdom Council
Wisdom WaypointsJul 18, 20211 min read

We are pleased to welcome The Rev Benjamin Thomas as the newest member of our Wisdom Council. Ben is the associate rector at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Boca Raton, Florida, and a veteran wisdom postholder.

A Wisdom Reading List
A Wisdom Reading List
Cynthia BourgeaultJul 20, 20212 min read

There are rich currents flowing through the Wisdom stream, so it’s hard to offer a “one size fits all” reading list. Some people will be more drawn to the esoteric end of the spectrum; others feel more at home in…

Life Everlasting
Life Everlasting
Matthew WrightAug 2, 20213 min read

The past two weeks I was in France with my wife, where we had traveled to see her grandmother. Her grandmother’s health is in decline, and family felt that we should come for a visit sooner rather than later. As…

The Common Good: Opening the Frame
The Common Good: Opening the Frame
Thomas TelhiardAug 2, 202116 min read

“In each of these crises, can be rediscovered to a certain degree the primitive image of all emergencies, namely birth. In that primitive experience, the whole organism had to readapt itself completely to save itself from immediate death. The lungs…

The Common Good from an Evolutionary Perspective: A Blog Series on the Common Good
The Common Good from an Evolutionary Perspective: A Blog Series on the Common Good
Cynthia BourgeaultAug 16, 20219 min read

Freeway image by Ruiyang Zhang from Pexels The following provides further reflections on the “Civics for Wisdom Students” theme, as introduced in the prior post  EVOLUTIONARY THEORY AND THE COMMON GOOD: The Beginnings of a Wisdom Inquiry So let’s begin by situating our inquiry…

Autopoiesis: A Blog Series on the Common Good
Autopoiesis: A Blog Series on the Common Good
Cynthia BourgeaultAug 17, 20218 min read

The second major shift as we approach the question of the common good through the Integral structure of consciousness is, I believe, that we will increasingly understand it as an emergent property of a self-specifying system—or in other words, not…

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Book Circle, Part I
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Book Circle, Part I
Heather RuceAug 19, 20217 min read

We have just begun our next Wisdom Practice Book Circle this week, in which over one hundred and sixty people are gathering to engage one of Cynthia’s foundational books Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening. In addition, as a way of…

In Loving Memory of Sister Lois Barton
In Loving Memory of Sister Lois Barton
Bill RedfieldAug 27, 20214 min read

Sister Lois Barton, Sister of Saint Joseph, was a trusted friend, colleague, and always a willing partner in crime. Over twenty-five years, we together experienced many of the most extraordinary experiences of each of our lives. And because of the…

Reimagining the Common Good: The Common Good as One, Part 1
Reimagining the Common Good: The Common Good as One, Part 1
Cynthia BourgeaultAug 30, 20215 min read

Photo by Ivan Pozniak from Pexel The third aspect to note about the common good as it manifests in the Integral structure of consciousness is that it is, well, good. It is not just virtuous, righteous, dutiful, or morally correct,…

Reimagining the Common Good: The Common Good as One, Part 2
Reimagining the Common Good: The Common Good as One, Part 2
Cynthia BourgeaultSep 1, 20216 min read

Soaring bird image by Abdullah Ahmad from Pixabay For prior blogs in this series exploring the common good and the potential of an emerging Integral structure of consciousness, please refer to the links included below this post. This is the…

Constraint and the Common Good
Constraint and the Common Good
Cynthia BourgeaultSep 4, 20217 min read

From everything I’ve said so far about flow systems and keeping the infrastructure rolling, you may get the idea that any form of constraint is an intrinsic obstacle to the common good. And yes, this proposition has been periodically aired…

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Book Circle, Part II
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Book Circle, Part II
Alan KremaSep 18, 20219 min read

Last month we held our first small Wisdom Book Practice Circle gatherings to engage with Part I of “Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening,” as well as our Wisdom Practice Day on August 28. The Practice Day was gratifying to all…

Wisdom Practice Day
Wisdom Practice Day
Jeanine Siler JonesSep 18, 20214 min read

Hold fast the hope, which anchors the soul, which is sure and steadfast,that you may float above the world’s sea. Paulette Meier, Quaker Wisdom Chants On August 28, 2021, Wisdom Waypoints hosted a worldwide practice day, gathering 275 Wisdom friends…

Deepening our Wisdom Integration in Community
Deepening our Wisdom Integration in Community
Heather VeseySep 24, 20213 min read

One of the great joys in my life is hanging out in this big old Wisdom community. Its timeless! We are all part of Wisdom’s never-ending flow and manifestation. Wisdom always has and always will – in all places and…

The Mystery of Death Retreat at Mepkin Abbey
The Mystery of Death Retreat at Mepkin Abbey
Jeanine Siler JonesOct 11, 20213 min read

Last week my father, Mahan Siler, and I trekked from the mountains of western North Carolina to the low country of South Carolina. We joined 12 others for a Wisdom School retreat at Mepkin Abbey, led by Cynthia Bourgeault, on…

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Book Circle, Part III
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening Book Circle, Part III
Elizabeth CombsOct 18, 20219 min read

The Psychology of Centering Prayer in Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault This month in our Foundational Book Group Series, we are reading Part III, The Psychology of Centering Prayer in Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia…