Wisdom Solstice Pause – June 2024 Event Recording

This Wisdom Solstice Pause was hosted by Wisdom Waypoints and recorded live via Zoom on June 20, 2024.

In this hour, we gathered for chant, poetry, centering prayer, and to celebrate the reciprocity of Divine Love. Together we shined the light on what keeps us from practice and illuminated the deep roots that keep us tethered. Playing with themes of darkness and illumination, groundedness and unfurling, we revealed that it all belongs the more you become entangled with Divine Love.

Our thanks and appreciation to all who participated and contributed to this event. A special thanks to our event facilitator, Jennifer England from Yukon, Canada, and her event technical support by Stéphanie Nobércourt and Susan Leveridge.

Solstice Pause Resources

Below you will find the readings and music offered in our June 2024 Wisdom Solstice Pause.

Opening Music: “City Song and Cicadas” by Gia Margaret

Reading 1: Mystical Hope by Cynthia Bourgeault

If only we could see and trust that all our ways of getting there- our courses over time- our good deeds, our evil deeds, our regrets, our compulsive choosings and the fallout from those choosings, our things done and paths never actualized- are actually held in an exquisite fullness that simply poises in itself, then pours itself out in a single glance of the heart. If we could only glimpse that, even for an instant, then perhaps we would be able to sense the immensity of the love that seeks to meet us at the crossroads of the Now, when we yield ourselves into it.”

Reading 2: Gospel of Thomas, Logion 77

I am the light shining upon all things, I am the sum of everything, for from me. Everything has come, and toward me, Everything returns. Pick up a stone and there I am. Split a piece of wood and you will find me there. 

Chant 1: Eastern Sun by Ayla Nereo 

Embodiment Practice: “See, Feel, Hear” by Shin Zin Young

Movement Practice: “Sun will Set” by Zoe Keating

Poem: “Change the Lighting” from Feed Your Vow by Brooke McNamara

Chant 2: “Fall Fearless into Love” by Darlene Franz

Final Prayer: Julianne of Norwich, words: I await, I allow, I accept, I attend