Finding in ourselves what we criticize in another

A suggestion for this week’s practice comes from Elizabeth O’Connor, Our Many Selves: A Handbook for Self-Discovery, “From Judgment to Empathy: Exercise Four”, page 71:

“What you criticize in another, try to find in yourself. We want to discover our dark selves, not in order that they may be blamed and banished out of sight, but in order that we may have conversation with them and they may lead us to the light. This is the promise if we will attend to them.”

“An added discipline for this week might be to say nothing negative about anyone else or about yourself. This will give you more energy for inner work on the subject. If you find it a difficult discipline to keep, do not be discouraged. A discipline is to help us learn, and there is often more learning in failure than in success.”

Read more from Cynthia Bourgeault and Maurice Nicoll about internal considering and external considering:

Posted by Bob Sabath into theĀ Wisdom School Facebook Page on October 5, 2018 for Inner Task Friday .