Find some of our suggested starting points and recommendations for both newcomers to the Wisdom path, and for more seasoned students ready to take their learning and practice to a deeper level.
In the podcast series Imaginal Inspirations, David Lorimer talks to Cynthia Bourgeault about the experiences, people and books that have shaped her life and work.
These are the commentaries that Cynthia and Rave worked with over many months at the monastery. They are essential and practical commentaries on fourth way inner work.
This is the source book that Cynthia used for her Mystical Courage exercises. Many of Cynthia’s wisdom school students are working regularly with Gurdjieff’s fourth way contemplative exercises described by Joseph Azize.
I have been working with the Gurdjieff exercises for the last year or so. Recently I’ve begun to experience a hazy sleepiness. Any ideas with what might be going on and how to work with this?
Contributed by Paula Pryce The River of Mystical Hope “The nature of the wellspring is to spring forth.” – Cynthia Bourgeault, Mystical Hope When I was small, I would often […]
Contributed by Laura Ruth The day is breaking over what may be the peak of the autumn color: gold, peach, deep red, various greens from yellow to black forest glowing […]