A series of 7 original chants offered by Kristy Christian to the Wisdom School Community.
The Light That Mends
Love you’re the Light that mends, alive in us, without end.
I Rest in the Heart of Love
I rest in the heart of Love, in trouble I know Love’s Peace.
In Love Alone
In Love alone, I take my rest. I dwell unafraid.
Full Being
We welcome now, Divine Light and Love into our full being.
We welcome now, Divine Light and Love into our minds.
We welcome now, Divine Light and Love into our hearts.
We welcome now, Divine Light and Love into our body.
I Abide in You
I abide in You. You abide in me. In our exchange of Love, there is mercy.
The Breath Inside the Breath
The breath inside the breath is God; breathe in, breathe out, it’s God.
I Know You, Love
I know you, Love, you come to me. You rest in my heart.

Kristy Christian studied Theological Studies at Moravian Theological Seminary, where she also earned a graduate certificate in Spiritual Direction. It was through her studies in the Wisdom Tradition that Kristy, a lifelong vocalist, discovered the multilayered and marvelous power of chant as a spiritual practice; through the lenses of science, spirituality, and the Wisdom tradition, Kristy began studying how and why chanting, especially when coupled with gentle movement, benefits one’s entire being. For the past several years, Kristy has immersed herself in writing chants and body prayer chants, teaching chant as a spiritual practice, and leading weekly meditation and chanting groups, both locally and nationally.