Back on the Ground: Interview with Cynthia Bourgeault

Photo by Maksim Romashkin from Pexels

In this podcast interview with Len Edgerly, host of the Kindle Chronicles, Cynthia Bourgeault shares what she has been doing and considering through the Pandemic shutdown period, and what is on her heart and mind as the opportunities for on-the-ground gatherings return.

“Really I’ve been flying blind, more than I have ever been flying blind before,  just responding moment to moment to what’s needed…”

Cynthia bourgeault

Referenced in Cynthia’s interview:

For Cynthia’s recent address to Wisdom Community watch here.

Mystical Courage: Commentaries on Selected Contemplative Exercises by G.I. Gurdjieff available here

Cynthia’s Civics for Wisdom Students series of reflections starts here.

Introductory Wisdom School, hosted online by CAC

Find Kindle Chronicles here.