Thank-you so much for these opportunities, Cynthia. I have a question about intercessory prayer. Before my launch into centering prayer and study of the Wisdom Way, intercessory prayer was a […]
Cynthia, I, along with a group of our sisters, recently finished listening to Non duality, seriously? They loved it and so did I. During your presentation you talked at various […]
Hi Cynthia — I’m writing to you here because the comments section to your most recent blog doesn’t seem like the right place. I’m neither a Wilber expert or apologist, […]
Hello Cynthia, just finished experiencing “the heart of centering prayer, (non-dual christianity)” or as my spell check keeps reminding me “entering prayer”…. i had given up on trying to decipher […]
Hello Cynthia, Thank you for doing this Q&A service it a wonderful opportunity.. x My question is…i am beginning to realise that i don’t really know anything about “letting go” […]
Hello Cynthia, I was at your Cloud London talk last month. A question if I may. Contemplative Prayer and going into the silence is a way of opening to be […]
Dear Cynthia, I echo a previous comment here that it is truly fantastic to have this Q and A with you, so thanks for this service you are providing! I […]
Dear Cynthia, A scholarly man in the Centering Prayer group I lead has been reading the Jesus Seminar material. I know only the edges of that voluminous research and its […]
Cynthia, Thank you so much for this opportunity to ask you questions. I am in seminary, and yesterday I preached a sermon for my preaching class. In the sermon (which […]
Cynthia, I’m having trouble moving through everything you have taught me in books and in the wisdom school and reconciling it with the words in the petition you signed. Specifically […]