An introduction to a little known contemporary mystical gem, The Mystery of Death by Hungarian-born Jesuit theologian Ladislaus Boros, which has been a mainstay of Cynthia’s own spiritual work for more than forty years.
In The Corner of Fourth and Nondual, a title inspired by Thomas Merton’s moment of revelation ‘at the Corner of Fourth and Walnut’ in his celebrated essay ‘A Member of […]
In this teaching, Cynthia is accompanied by a group Christian contemplatives as they work their way through Kabir Helminski’s practical, ground-truthed Sufi text “Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the Essential Self.”
Cynthia Bourgeault has described the Gospel of Thomas as a “long-missing puzzle piece whose importance to revealing the full picture of our own spiritual times is becoming more and more obvious …”
I’m very grateful for my Buddhist and Vedic knowledge and experiences but I can’t find, and long for the I-Thou relationship with God. Any advice very gratefully received.
Feeling confused and seeking clarification on what sounds like a loss of identification between us and God once we let go of our false self, and how this relates to non-dualistic monism or modalism.