As Holy Week begins, let us step into a sacred gathering where ancient rituals meet our present moment. Rooted in the timeless flow of eternity while touching the realities of our own, this Eucharistic liturgy invites us into deep stillness, sacred presence, and communal prayer. Through chant, silence, scripture, and sacrament, we attune to the wisdom of Christ’s path and open ourselves to the mystery unfolding in our midst.
Join us for an intimate Palm Sunday gathering with Cynthia Bourgeault, Heather Ruce, and Henry Schoenfield to reflect upon and receive a Wisdom Eucharist as we open our hearts to the mystery of Christ’s passage through death. Let us collectively sound a strong DO for Holy Week. All our welcome.
When: Sunday, April 13th 4:00pm – 5:15pm ET
Where: Online via Zoom, Register Here
Cost: Free
Note: Please bring bread and wine or grape juice to use at home during the Eucharist portion.