[This reflection include a Spanish translation] This chapter lays out for us the ‘how’ of being more fully present and open to higher meaning and the physiology of transformation.
This month we’re exploring Chapter II, “How the Christian West Lost Its Wisdom.” Cynthia begins by reminding us that the earliest followers of Jesus didn’t follow him because they’d read about him in the Gospels–that he was the Son of God who rose from the dead–no, all of that lay up ahead.
Watch Cynthia’s 2024 Greeting and Thank You “We are all sitting in gratitude for the new openings that your generosity and trust in us has made possible.” — Cynthia Bourgeault […]
The Wisdom Way of Knowing by Cynthia Bourgeault, is the very stuff of what it means to be human, in this time in history and unfolding on our planet. Follow along here as the book practice gets ready to launch.
At our meeting in Rockland in early November of 2023, the Wisdom Waypoints Board put finishing touches on a Communications Director job description, with the intention of hiring someone to […]
We stand guard with the heart, stand with the mind in the heart, descend from the head to the heart…And the standing before the invisible Lord not in the head but in the chest, close to the heart and in the heart. When the divine warmth comes, all will be clear.
As Wisdom students using our voices through chanting, we are sending into our atmosphere vital nutrients of hope, mercy, love and more. Frame drumming magnifies the resonance of our voices in addition to the beat, another powerful means of post-holding during these challenging times.
In the last week of October, right before the Winter set in, the first Nordic Benedictine Wisdom School was led by Cynthia Bourgeault at Lia Gård in Norway.
I am in awe of earth’s majesty, intense dazzling vibrations. It’s earth’s party, a TREE PARTY, in gratitude for yet another YEAR OF LIFE – the gifts, all the gifts, that this year of foliage have brought – such richness, abundance of harvest and delight. And then…it’s time for them to rest; to exhale, release and let go.
In this third part of the series, we’ll continue putting together the building blocks discussed previously: the horizontal realm of personality, knowledge, and the forces of life; the vertical inner realm of Being, Essence, and Good; and the relational field that comes into play as we work to raise our level of Being on the vertical scale.