Wisdom guide Marcella Kraybill-Greggo will be leading a Fifty Thin Days of Easter online course. Please join us on Zoom for a free info session on Friday April 4 from 2 – 3 pm Eastern, to learn more about the 50 Thin Days of Easter online course. The info session will include Wisdom Practice and discussion and Q&A about the upcoming course, which will be offered between Easter Monday (April 21) and Pentecost (June 8).
In her book The Wisdom Jesus, Cynthia Bourgeault says: “For the first 40 days [post Easter] Jesus is back on the planet among his friends, and disciples, offering his final teaching and transmissions by way of a series of miraculous visitations known collectively as the resurrection appearances. Next comes the ascension — then 10 days of hushed expectant waiting. Then comes the promised fiery descent of the Holy Spirit, which Christians celebrate as Pentecost“ [aka the 50 days of Easter] (The Wisdom Jesus, p.125-6) Cynthia also says in The Wisdom Jesus, “I believe firmly that during these great fifty days of Easter, that same invitation is extended to each one of us: to catch the drift of what Jesus is really inviting us to and to deepen our capacity to receive the intense spiritual energy available to us during this sacred season as a catapult to our own transformation.” (p. 126).
To register for the free April 4th informational session, visit Marcella Kraybill-Greggo’s website here.
This gathering will be recorded. If you cannot make the live session, please RSVP and you will receive the recording.