Conscious Practices for Advent with Marcella Kraybill-Greggo

Pam Rotelle Roberets and Wisdom teacher, Marcella Kraybill-Greggo discuss four conscious prayers for Advent on Pam’s Talking Joy podcast. The invitation this season is to “catch” yourself and see how many times you notice crossing a threshold and perhaps allowing yourself to sink through the level of initial chatter of your mind and discover the rhythm of the work you are doing. These are the ways we re-member or recollect while baking, wrapping, and celebrating in the weeks ahead. Always coming back to our breath and feet.

Inner Task (by Heather Ruce)

Allow yourself to sink through the level of initial chatter of your mind and discover the rhythm of the work you are doing. Notice the pulse and pace of your work or activity. Experiment with deliberately speeding it up and slowing it down while still staying in relationship to the pulse. Extend and keep in the field of your vision some other rhythm. Take it in without losing connection with your rhythm. Notice the horizontal rhythms (what is happening around you during the course of your day as you interact in the world) and your vertical alignment (that deeper knowing that accompanies you always). 

Crossing the Threshold 

Many times today I will cross over a threshold.
I hope I will catch a few of those times.
I need to remember that my life is, in fact,
a continuous series of thresholds:
from one moment to the next,
from one thought to the next,
from one action to the next.
Help me appreciate how awesome this is.
How many are the chances to be really alive …
to be aware of the enormous dimension
we live within.
On the threshold the entire past
and the entire future
rush to meet one another.
They take hold of each other and laugh.
They are so happy to discover themselves
in the awareness of a human creature.
On the threshold the present breaks all boundaries.
It is a convergence,
a fellowship with all time and space.
We find You there.
And we are found by You there.
Help me cross into the present moment –
into wonder, into Your face:
that “now-place,” where we all are,
unfolding as Your life moment by moment.
Let me live on the threshold as threshold.

~ from Being Home by Gunilla Norris, p.14-15

From Talking Joy podcast