Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault and Ted Jones explore such insights as surrender, non-dual awakening, divine creativity and joy through Thomas Keating’s haiku-like poetry.
The Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault is an internationally acclaimed writer and retreat leader, a modern-day mystic, Episcopal priest, and a frequent teacher at gstonbury Abbey. She was a close student of Thomas Keating’s for three decades and is the author of two books on Centering Prayer plus an extended teaching commentary of Thomas Keating’s final work, THE SECRET EMBRACE. In this haiku-like final teaching, Thomas Keating encapsulates a lifetime’s wisdom in eight haiku-like poems, exploring such insights as surrender, nondual awakening, divine creativity, and joy. Ted Jones is Thomas Keating’s nephew and accompanied him closely during the final months of his life and at his death. He is a teacher of Buddhist Insight Meditation and lives in Newburyport, MA.
These poems will be the subject of Cynthia’s and Ted’s exploration. The day will also include two periods of centering prayer and time for questions and dialogue.
Saturday, November 20 at Glastonbury Abbey, Hingham MA (in-person event only)
9:00am – 4:30pm ET. This is an in-person event only.