At our meeting in Rockland in early November of 2023, the Wisdom Waypoints Board put finishing touches on a Communications Director job description, with the intention of hiring someone to begin in early 2024. Through the year it had become clear we needed a staff person with the skills to support our growth and enable us to fulfill our mission. We had an outpouring of applications, giving our hiring committee the challenging task of narrowing our search. We were repeatedly moved by the gifts, capacities and commitment of so many within our Wisdom community.
Our discernment process led us to Jennifer Hughes who began work this week as our new Communications Director. Jenn is both a spiritual seeker and a seasoned professional. From remote non-profits to global enterprises, Jenn has crafted communications and creative solutions to grow and support new ideas and communities. She is also a longtime student of Cynthia Bourgeault and a current Masters of Divinity candidate at Pacific School of Religion.
Jenn will be joining our team from Deishú (Haines) Alaska, a small village of pristine natural beauty, where she lives with her husband, children, and dog. Outside of work and school, Jenn is invested in deepening spiritual care in her local community by offering volunteer services such as grief companioning, sound healing, and conscious movement.

So, please join me in wholeheartedly welcoming Jenn to this role with Wisdom Waypoints and with our larger network. Be on the lookout for the expansion of our resources and a greater ease in staying connected with one another. As always, you can contact us through the website with suggestions or inquiries, following the contact us tab in the upper right corner.
New Year’s Blessings with you all,
Jeanine Siler Jones, Chair of the Board