Hi Cynthia,
This morning I listened to your Cosmic Campfire interview, and as happens so often, I felt deeply grateful for your clarity and willingness to challenge and break new ground (here, speaking of the discomfort with panentheism and instead working with Pannikar’s cosmotheandry.) My question, though, goes back to your essay last spring titled something like “whur we come from.” I’ve never been drawn to Gurdjieff, and instead work with mindfulness and embodiment practices from other lineages. Is someone like me still a part of the Wisdom family? There’s more to say, but in the interest of brevity I’ll leave it there.
With much affection,
Yes indeed, Marianne. There’s no set Wisdom curriculum, let alone a Wisdom creed! Folks are drawn to their own particular corners, and the combinations are sometimes fascinating. We have a Ramana Maharshi/Taize crew, a straight-up Centering Prayer crew, the Livings School Action and Contemplation devotees, Teilhardians… the whole nine yards. Follow where the attraction of your heart leads; if it’s Wisdom, all paths finally lead to the same watering hole.
All blessings,