Our Eastertide Wisdom Community Practice Half Day was hosted by Wisdom Waypoints and recorded live via Zoom on April 6, 2024. Our thanks and appreciation to all who participated in […]
This Wisdom Practice Day was hosted by Wisdom Waypoints and recorded live on Zoom September 24, 2022. We are delighted to share with you the event recordings and related resources.
Through chant, poignant readings, practice, and silence Susan Latimer and Beth O’Neil guide us through a connective, contemplative experience of a Wisdom-infused Solstice gathering for our global community.
This week we add in, again cumulatively, the fifth and final striving: the striving always to assist the most rapid perfecting of other beings (remember striving one), both those similar […]
This week we will stay with the Fourth Striving: the striving, from the beginning of one’s existence, to pay as quickly as possible for one’s arising and individuality, in order […]
We know that these being Obligolnian Strivings are the conscious work and intentional suffering of a lifetime, with ever deepening possibilities to lean into and live out of. This week […]
We are working cumulatively with the Being Obligolnian Strivings, the first striving: to have in one’s ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for the planetary body and the second […]
We have spent the last several weeks working with the first striving: to have in one’s ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for the planetary body and the second […]