The following are offered to guide and deepen your Pascal journey through Holy Week, Easter, and beyond: We need to hear the word “love” mentioned as we go into Holy […]
Contributed by Laura Ruth The Wisdom Jesus asks us to gently question the Christianity of tradition, and turn towards the discovery of what it means right here and now to […]
A brand new course focusing on the eight poems in Thomas Keating’s ‘The Secret Embrace’, his final spiritual legacy to the world composed the last winter of his life.
Mary Magdalene: Apostle to Our Own Times is an opportunity to see one of Christianity’s most courageous women, featured prominently in the Gospel story, more clearly. Let Mary guide you to a perspective of Christianity you never knew existed, one we so desperately need today.
The Introductory Wisdom School explores the Wisdom way of knowing and growing. Cynthia invites us to awaken to our yearning for a different kind of presence and to develop the skills, knowledge, and actions for our own transformation.
The Divine Exchange is a continuation of Cynthia’s Introductory Wisdom School, delving deeply into the principle of exchange (“giving-is-receiving”), the spiritual foundation of The Christian Wisdom tradition.
Learn this no-frills form of Christian meditation from one of its most potent teachers. In this online retreat you will learn everything you need to know to get your own practice of Centering Prayer up and running — or if you’re an old hand, to learn some new approaches to refresh and reboot your practice.
A rare opportunity to learn from six pioneers of InterSpirituality: Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, Spiritual Paths Institute, Swami Atmarupananda, Dr. Ed Bastian, Shaikh Kabir and Shaikha Camille Helminski, and Rabbi Rami Shapiro.