Practice Circles

Wisdom Waypoints supports an extensive network of Wisdom Practice Circles where participants have a regular opportunity to deepen the foundational practices which support a Wisdom way of knowing (Centering Prayer and other forms of meditation, lectio divina, sacred chanting, and mindful work) and to share in study, conversation, fellowship, and wherever available, interspiritual dialogue.

Please see below for news and contact information from around the local networks: both ongoing groups and special projects.

Circles around the U.S.

  • Annapolis, Maryland
    Fourth Tuesday of the month.
    Our home-based (now on Zoom) monthly gatherings include chant, body prayer, Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer and sacred conversation arising out of our prayer. Topics are often based on Gospel of Thomas, Scripture, and Cynthia Bourgeault’s Wisdom teachings. Time: 9:30-11 am.
    Contact: Carol Leach
  • Atlanta, Georgia
    Wisdom Circle meets every other week on a Monday 10-12:30.
    The group has been meeting for five years studying books by Cynthia Bourgeault and listening to CDs of previous Wisdom Schools. Currently using ‘The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three’. A second group called Thresholds meets monthly on Sunday 3-5 pm. We are currently studying the “Eye of the Heart.”
    Contact: Rebecca Parker
  • Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
    Our Community Wisdom Way of Knowing Circle gathers the second Friday of the month from 1-3 pm ET for chant, body prayer and a communal Centering Prayer sit. A Wisdom teaching is shared each gathering with discussion, ending with group Lectio Divina on a Gospel of Thomas passage. All are welcome!
    Contact: Marcella Kraybill-Greggo
  • Boston, Massachusetts
    The Boston Contemplative Practice Circle gathers now on Zoom on the second Monday of each month (which can change due to holidays.)  We begin at 6 pm with a reading and discussion. The practice circle begins at 6:45 – 7:45 pm.  During the Practice Circle time, we read meditative poems, sing chants, participate in Silence and share in Lectio Divina—all to enrich a heart understanding of the reading from the beginning of the meeting. Please contact Bryan for the Zoom link as well as the monthly meditative readings and chants.
    Contact: Bryan Vosseler
  • Burlington, Vermont
    Rock Point Wisdom Circles meet currently on zoom the 1st Thursday of the month, 5-6:30 pm and the 4th Monday of the month, 5-6:30 pm. Explore Wisdom practices such as: centering prayer, teaching/discussion, sacred music/chanting, body movement (dance, tai-chi, yoga, contemplative walking), three-centered knowing practices and lectio divina. Be in touch if you are interested in either weekly Sacred Listening group: heart sharing in a small group within a listening practice with rotating leadership posing a new question each session—tba when new group forms; and/or Liminal Space Centering Prayer & Lectio weekly: we practice in our homes, then share on Skype if moved to do so during the week—tba when new group begins.
    Contact: Craig Smith
  • Fairfax, Virginia
    The group meets every other Thursday, 10:30 am – 12:00 pmin person (at Unity of Fairfax) and via Zoom, with adjustments for holidays and summer break. A new series begins February 13, 2025 and will continue until early summer.  The series is based on Robert Sardello’s book  Silence:  The Mysterty of Wholeness.  Our gatherings will include prayer, contemplative discussion of the book, and silent meditation or centering prayer.  All are welcome.
    Contact: Becky Bruner
  • Fayetteville, New York
    The Nancy Simmons Wisdom House, 113 Chapel Street
    We have simplified our offerings during COVID; for current information please contact us.
    Contact: Very Rev. Renee Tembeckjian, PhD
  • Goshen, Indiana
    “Listening Together.” Mondays from 7-8:30 pm via Zoom. A Wisdom practice circle, currently pondering The Wisdom Jesus.“A Contemplative Circle.” Sundays, 11 am to 12:30 pm (currently via Zoom). A Wisdom practice circle with seasonal themes and books. Recent themes have included the Gospel of Thomas and the Aramaic Prayers of Jesus (Neil Douglas Klotz). We do NOT meet the first Sunday of the month. The second Sunday we share a potluck meal when meeting in person.
    Contact: Nina B. Lanctot
  • Greenfield, Massachusetts
    Weekly gatherings for silent prayer, friendship, and book discussion on Thursdays from 9:30-11 am on Zoom, While we are centered in the Gospel of Thomas, our studies have led us to many traditions and spiritual practices. All are welcome.
    Contact: Charlene Golonka
  • Greensboro, North Carolina
    Wisdom School Study Group: We are now meeting on zoom and finishing Jeremy Johnson’s Seeing Through the World in April 2021 when we will consider opening to new members. We meet every other week for chant, lectio and book study. One of our members has formed an additional small Wisdom Circle in the Greensboro area.
    Contact: Shelley Miller
  • Gulf Coast Region, Texas and Louisiana
    Gulf Coast Region practice circle gathers now on zoom on the first Wednesday of each month from 12:30-2pm for guided attention-based contemplative exercise in the 4th Way tradition followed by lectio divina from the Gospel of Thomas. The same group also meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 12:30pm-1:30pm for guided attention-based exercise in the 4th Way tradition and personal sharing from grounded experience in day-to-day wisdom work. This group runs from January-June 2021 and is currently full. New groups will open in September 2021.
    Contact: Jonathan Steele
  • La Mesa, California
    Ongoing Gospel of Thomas Lectio Divina Circles and other Wisdom Practice Circles hat intentionally engage in themes, sacred texts, and spiritual practices such as Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer Meditation, Welcoming, Silence, Sacred Chanting, Eucharist, and Movement.
    Contact: Heather Ruce
  • Portland, Oregon
    This is a new group starting up spring 2023 in Portland Oregon. We will explore chanting, centering prayer, lectio divina on the Gospel of Thomas and other mystics such as Hz Mevlana Rumi, Hafiz of Shiraz, Meister Eckhard, and Teresa of Avila, and various book studies, including Cynthia Bourgeault’s The Wisdom Jesus, Eye of the Heart, etc. Possibility of half day and full day retreats a couple times a year. This will take some time to come together and we are happy to welcome all who are interested, at any level of experience.
    Contact: Maggie Rode
  • Richmond, Virginia
    Wisdom Here-Now is a group of Cynthia’s students, or those interested in Cynthia’s work, who have been meeting since 2015. Before the pandemic, we met the second Tuesday of every other month at Richmond Hill Retreat Center for a day retreat from 10 to 2 pm. Our pattern is centering prayer and topic for discussion which may be accompanied by chanting, Lectio Divina, movements or guided mediation. Eleanor and Nan coordinate the facilitation info; we use a format of shared leadership each session which has brought diversity of topics and practices. We started in 2015 studying Teilhard, and moved into Cynthia’s work, Gurdjieff, and shared experiences of various Wisdom Schools—we have spiritually companioned each other. Due to the pandemic, we are now meeting monthly for an hour and half via zoom. We are doing an ongoing book study of Eye of the Heart. I believe we will return to in person meeting in the future.
    Contact: Nancy Delach or Eleanor Winsor
  • Sparta, New Jersey
    Skylands Wisdom Gathering–Developing Wisdom Circle in northwestern New Jersey that includes body prayer, chant, Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer, teachings about Wisdom practices, and discussion.
    Meetings are held the second Saturdays of each month via Zoom; will explore a hybrid option for the future.
    Contact: Debbie Brewin-Wilson
  • Southern CA 
    Southern CA and beyond : Wisdom Practice Circles that include sacred chant, body prayer and attention exercises from Gurdjieff, silence, and Lectio Divina on The Gospel of Thomas.Two ongoing Wisdom Practice Circles on Zoom on the third Monday of the month 4- 5:30 PST , and 6-7:30 PST. New members welcome, group size kept small. With interest will open a third group day/time TBA soon. 
    Contact: Susan J. Latimer
  • Tampa, Florida
    St. Catherine of Alexandria Wisdom Practice: We meet the 3rd Saturday from 3-5 pm n person for gesture prayer, chanting, lectio divina using the Gospel of Mary and The Meaning of Mary Magdalene by Cynthia Bourgeault and 20 minutes of Centering Prayer. We’ve also been known to dance!
    Contact: Carol Harlow
  • Toledo, OH
    New Wisdom Circle beginning Sunday 1/16/22 from 4:30-6:30 pm E.T. and then monthly thereafter on second Sunday of the month. Meeting includes silent meditation, chanting, movement and lectio along with a book study discussion. The first book will be The Wisdom Way of Knowing by Cynthia Bourgeault. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Lori as the meetings are intended to be in person but will begin on zoom due to current Covid restrictions.
    Contact: Lori Covert
  • Vista, California
    Southern CA Wisdom Practice Circle that includes sacred chant, body prayer and attention exercises from Gurdjieff, silence, and Lectio Divina on The Gospel of Thomas.Two ongoing Wisdom Practice Circles on Zoom – one the third Monday of the month from 6-7:30 PST and one the fourth Monday of the month from 4-5:30 PST. New members welcome, group size kept small.
    Contact: Susan J. Latimer
  • Woodstock, New York
    Wisdom Circle at St. Gregory’s
    A weekly Wisdom Circle that includes Gospel of Thomas lectio and meets on zoom. Please check the Wisdom Circle link above for updated information. When we meet in person again our Wisdom Circle includes contemplative Eucharist. Held on Thursdays @ 5:30 pm. All are welcome.
    Contact: Matthew Wright

Circles around the world

  • Lyseng, Aarhus, Denmark
    Contemporary Christian Spirituality – Wisdom Group meets every other Monday afternoon. Lectio divina on Gospel of Thomas and texts from other mystics like Meister Eckhart, the desert fathers and mothers. Also chanting, body prayer and exchange of experiences and thoughts on the wisdom path.
    Contact: Elisabeth Staal Jensen
  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Chanting and practicing centering prayer followed by group lectio divina using poetry or texts of mystics like Hz Mevlana Rumi, Hafiz of Shiraz, Meister Eckhard, Teresa of Avila. Also exchanging experiences on the Wisdom path guided by books of Cynthia Bourgeault and Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. We meet every second Monday of the month. Due to COVID our group has not been able to physically meet, but we are still going strong in sharing inspiring texts and sitting ‘in spirit’ together, holding space with each other for the Light and Love of the Divine to come into this world. Cynthia’s course ‘Spiritual Gifts from the Imaginal Realm’ is a wonderful inspiration.
    Contact: Anne Possel
  • Yorkshire & North East Wisdom Community, UK
    CONTEMPLATIVE PAUSE: A 30 mins online wisdom sit with 3-centered meditation, Centering Prayer, Chant, Lectio Divina: 1st & 3rd Thursdays 9.30am GMT;  2nd & 4th Saturdays, 9:30am GMT
    MONTHLY BOOK PRACTICE CIRCLE – Tuesday afternoon, Spring – Summer 2024: The Wisdom Way of Knowing by Cynthia Bourgeault.
    GOSPEL OF THOMAS (Lectio Divina) CIRCLE – meets monthly online.
    FOUNDATIONAL CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICES – Occasional teaching and practice workshops with Centering Prayer, Welcome Practice, Lectio Divina, Chant and Body Prayer. Please ask.
    IN-PERSON QUIET DAYS & RETREATS –  We gather through the year, for occasional Practice Days and Retreats.
    All are Welcome! Please get in touch for further information.
    Contact: Mel King
  • Kamloops, BC, Canada
    Second and fourth Monday of the month, online, 7-8:30pm (PST) Sept-May. Second Monday begins with chant, followed by Lectio Divina, prayers of intercession and thanksgiving, and then chant. Fourth Monday is chant, meditation (25 minutes) followed by prayers and discussion. We welcome you with open arms to this informal easy-going group.
    Contact: Brian Mitchell
  • New Denver, BC, Canada
    “Contemplative in the Kootenays” meets bi-monthly for a full day retreat with chanting, movement, lectio divina and Centering Prayer. We also have a contemplative book group (online) and a weekly online meditation group (Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m.). Our resource materials include works by Cynthia Bourgeault, the Desert Fathers, Gospel of Thomas, Rumi, Beatrice Bruteau, Kabir Helminsky, etc.; we also include works from Canadian indigenous and environmental voices.
    Contact: Therese DesCamp
  • Yukon, Canada
    “Cultivating the awareness and heart of practice inspired by the mystical Christian tradition.” The Wisdom North Collective meets on the first Thursday of each month from 7:30 – 9 pm (Pacific Daylight Time) on Zoom. The monthly gathering includes Centering Prayer, Chant and Silence. This is your call to practice in community.
    Contact: Jennifer England

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