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A Foundational Teaching Series with Cynthia Bourgeault
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“There are ideas embedded in Gurdjieff’s teaching that are absolutely essential to Christianity and absolutely essential to the world.” – Cynthia Bourgeault
Creating a living bridge between Wisdom Christianity and the “singular genius” of G.I. Gurdjieff’s esoteric lineage has been a cornerstone of Cynthia Bourgeault’s teaching for over four decades. And yet, many Wisdom students still find themselves unfamiliar with the Gurdjieffian approach or may feel overwhelmed by the scale and secrecy which has historically surrounded his lexicon of work.
Now, in this foundational course, Cynthia Bourgeault offers a Gurdjieffian immersion inviting students into a vital body of teaching which still remains largely hidden in our culture. Across 10 sessions, Cynthia shares insights and applications on Gurdjieff’s key topics while weaving the thread into “dialogue with Jesus’ vision in extraordinarily powerful ways.”
Cynthia expands, “Gurdjieff took the map I believe is implicit in the teachings of Jesus and made it explicit.” With each session, Cynthia unfolds this map, offering a guided journey into themes such as: Attention, the Sacred Arc of Remembering and Forgetting, Reciprocal Exchange, Kesdjan Body, Conscious Labor, and Intentional Suffering. A lesson on the cosmic building blocks of the Law of Three (world creation) and the Law of Seven (world maintenance) offers a look into ternary metaphysics and reveals the true spinning dynamism inherent in the Enneagram. A Wisdom student will complete this course with a uniquely Gurdjieffian-Christian map in hand, ready to explore that which is both intimate and infinite, practical and profound, with tools to move toward the incarnational heart of Jesus.
“Spirituality,” Cynthia explains, “is no longer how you get out of this world, but how you get into it.” Breaking from notions of individual salvation in a heaven-up-there, Gurdjieff deliberately “keeps our feet grounded on this planet” and awakens our capacity to consciously serve in the present. Emphasizing Gurdjieff‘s role as a “father of ecology,” Cynthia reflects on his teachings as critical for today’s increasingly urgent questions: What are we here for, both individually and as a gifted species? What is our specific responsibility to a planet in peril and to a “divine ecosystem, worlds visible and invisible?” Compassionate, concerned students from all spiritual traditions will receive a transformative understanding of our work opportunity.
This course was originally conducted as a first-of-its-kind Gurdjieff Wisdom School for Christian Contemplatives at the Claymont Retreat Center, a spiritual home for Gurdjieff’s work in the Shenandoah Valley of West Virginia. The audio from this Wisdom School was preserved and has been transitioned into an online course for Wisdom Waypoints students.
This course is offered at a pay-as-you-can rate, with a suggested amount of $95 and a range of $75-125. If you are able to pay more, this will help support those who are able to pay less.
Gurdjieff for Christians is available to begin immediately and is offered as a self-paced journey allowing you to move through the sessions at a speed that works best for your learning style. Your course will always be available in your Wisdom Waypoints Account Dashboard.
All quotes above are from Cynthia Bourgeault in the Gurdjieff for Christians course.
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