Cynthia reminds us of the tools we have to awaken our hearts, the task to which we were born: “…only with awakened hearts are we actually able to fulfill our purpose within the cosmos and take our place in that great dance of divine manifestation”
Each morning we wake to find ourselves on a river upon which we have never been, we proceed in uncharted waters, and we do not know where we are headed.
Chapter VI describes the necessary soul gesture of surrender, which requires the willing deconstruction of our small self, or the passage of the acorn self into the oak tree
As we enter into Holy week, I offer a personal account of a teaching by Cynthia and a sea eagle on remorse of being and sacred wounds. Remorse. It’s […]
Mary Magdalene is a living teacher, available to us now, showing us how to stand in the midst of our embodied lives and the cosmos. We can learn to occupy […]
Reflections on Cynthia Bourgeault’s Talk at the Spanish Wisdom School As a new member to the Wisdom Waypoints ecosystem, I was grateful and excited to be invited to listen to […]
Bill Espinosa, an organizer of and participant in the February 2024 Spanish Wisdom School, has generously offered his first hand perspective of the Wisdom School experience at a farm just […]
These two chapters, written more than two decades ago, are more relevant and pertinent than ever. And it’s no coincidence that they are preceded by an explanation of the three centers of knowing. It seems to me that the more poised we are in those three centers, the more we will be able to understand, embody and live out the important truths laid out in Chapters Four and Five.
[This reflection include a Spanish translation] This chapter lays out for us the ‘how’ of being more fully present and open to higher meaning and the physiology of transformation.
This month we’re exploring Chapter II, “How the Christian West Lost Its Wisdom.” Cynthia begins by reminding us that the earliest followers of Jesus didn’t follow him because they’d read about him in the Gospels–that he was the Son of God who rose from the dead–no, all of that lay up ahead.