Your Contribution Makes a Difference
“Giving-is-receiving is the energetic frequency upon which our universe is aligned. All other approaches to energy exchange immediately cause disharmony in our life experience.”
– Michael Brown, The Presence Process
“Giving-is-receiving” is a sturdy bandwidth for Wisdom work, and our members have responded with amazingly outpouring hearts. We are deeply grateful to a few major benefactors who have brilliantly lifted our wings. However, most of our ongoing operational funds come from folks of relatively modest means who support the work with spontaneous generosity because they recognize it as a spiritual lifeline, both personally and for our entire planet.
Your donations keep our website and small office staff operational, a vital communications line appreciated by so many. In addition, your contributions support student scholarships, stipends for emerging teachers, and serve to create experimental retreats, community development, and new online learning initiatives. They keep us actively linked with one another and with the resources coming to us from the greater Wisdom stream.
Want to contribute in a non-financial manner? Wisdom community members support the collective work with their time and talent. They lead practice circles, facilitate online study and practice groups, or take a turn at the helm of our Wisdom Facebook page by offering weekly resources. All contributions make a difference. There are no formal requirements, financial or otherwise, for membership; your heart will tell you how to belong. We welcome your deep participation in this Wisdom web.
Looking to contribute via DAF (Donor Advised Funds)? Below are a few key details you will need for the transaction. We are grateful for your support.
- Legal Charity Name: Northeast Wisdom Inc.
- Location: PO Box 2133, Darien, Connecticut 06820-2133
- EIN: 46-4065282