“Wisdom Schools are a format for integral learning that’s based in some of the deepest roots for transformation and change in the Christian tradition. Wisdom Schools are about awakening the yearning for a different kind of presence in the world and then developing the skills and the knowledge base to apply that, to transform your own life and the life of people around you.”
— Cynthia Bourgeault
This Introductory Wisdom School lays the groundwork for understanding the vital role of Wisdom in today’s world. Led by Cynthia Bourgeault, participants will delve into the Christian Wisdom tradition, exploring two key spiritual streams: the ancient Benedictine monastic model of “Ora et Labora” and the Gurdjieff Work’s concept of three-centered knowing and presence. Cynthia will illuminate how Wisdom serves as a precise and transformative spiritual science, offering both theoretical insights and practical tools for embodying Yeshua’s teachings—the Way of the Heart.
Through an integrated daily rhythm, this Wisdom School fosters an embodied “wisdom way of knowing,” incorporating periods of Great Silence, teaching sessions, Centering Prayer or silent meditation, mindful work, mindful movement, and contemplative free time.
Mercy Center’s Centering Prayer and Christian Wisdom Practices Program, in partnership with Wisdom Waypoints, presents this rare opportunity to engage the foundations of this Wisdom lineage.
Event Details
Date and Time: Begins Sunday, May 25th at 5:30pm with dinner, concludes Friday, May 30th at 12:00pm with lunch
Location: Mercy Center Burlingame, 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA, USA
Contact: Mercy Center Burlingame, mcweb@sistersofmercy.org, (650) 340-7474