Tending the Fire: Wisdom in Spanish

How does Wisdom spread around the world? One devoted seeker at a time, sparking another, and then growing together like a fire in Light and warmth. Wisdom Waypoints Board member Marcella Kraybill-Greggo interviews dedicated Wisdom in Spanish leader Cornelia Sernia, who has been one of the key contributors in igniting the fire that is the South American branch of the Wisdom lineage as taught by Cynthia Bourgeault. She has generously hosted three Spanish wisdom schools on her farm. In this intimate conversation, Marcella and Cornelia talk about what it takes to start a Wisdom School (Escuela de Sabiduría) — saying YES! and then forging a communal path to make it happen.

In a moment like this, when Wisdom is so needed to be brought forth into manifestation, Cornelia’s story and her work is an inspiration: uplifting, yet humble and possible for all of us in our home communities.

Watch the conversation including a photo tour of the most recent February 2025 Escuela de Sabiduría just outside of Bogotá, Colombia.

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