Thank you to all who gathered to share in “A Wisdom Pause to Honor This Threshold.” Our special thanks to Wisdom Waypoints Board members Marcella Kraybill-Greggo and Henry Schoenfield for facilitating this pause with special help from our global Wisdom friends Jasmine McCracken from New Zealand, Susan Kehoe from Ottawa, Canada, and Celpha Sands, from St John Barbados.
If you weren’t able to attend the pause, or would like to experience it again, we invite you to watch and participate in this event recording and savor the resources below.
Additional Resources Shared During the Event
A Reading From Time and the Soul by Jacob Needleman
In other cultures, perhaps less alienated from the teachings of wisdom, humankind lived in closer relationship to biological time, the pulses and rhythms of nature, the sun and the moon, the tides, the seasons, the light and darkness, all the measures and meters of the music of the earth and the skies. But even this time, this more natural time, is not in itself human time. Human time is always the time of the consciousness that says and means I, I am…
To live in accordance with nature’s time is to allow the nature that is within us to beat with more synchronous rhythms — the body’s tempo, the tempos of organic love and fear and tenderness and anger; and the tempos and rhythms of the mind that searches, that needs to guide and receive the action of the senses, to plan and manage and to remember the gods, the greater forces…
To live with these tempos and times more in harmony is to live in the time of earth and nature and to be a more ready receptacle for the consciousness that can truly say I am.
A Reading From Meditations on the Tarot by Valentin Tomberg
The birds praise God
The world is full of implicit religion,
and the inspired saints and poets,
who say that the birds “praise God” when they sing,
are in no way mistaken.
Because it is their tiny life itself
which sings the “great life”
and makes heard, through its countless variations,
the same news which is as old as the world
and as new as the day:
“Life lives and vibrates in me.”
What homage to the source of life
is expressed by these small streams of life:
the birds which sing!
A Reading from Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman (adapted)
It is good to make an end of movement, to come to a point of rest, a place of pause.
The moment of pause, the point of rest, has its own magic. [One] comes to such a moment with all the confusion of [one’s] life full upon [oneself].
At first only a tiny fragment of [oneself is one able to bring into one’s moment of pause]. Often the only thing [one is] able to muster is the great and overwhelming need for a little haven of rest for [one’s] churning and deeply involved spirit.
The moment comes sometimes after definite preparation. When that happens, there is a sense of being ready, of having one’s house in order for the receiving of the Guest…it is [in] this moment, the experience of quiet, announces…
Bring in your scattered parts, be present at all levels of your consciousness. This is the time of togetherness. Only [one] who has come to a point of holy focus, may be blessed with the vision of God.
…Without the vision of God, there can…be no significance in living.