Holy Friday: A Journey Through Holy Week

Passion Libretto Part IV: On the Cross

This is day five of a six day free Holy Week offering. Cynthia speaks of this Holy Friday, in the Passion Libretto Part IV: On the Cross, as one of the most solemn and moving days. It is the day that women take on more of a role, standing by Jesus on the cross in the midst of the anguish. Cynthia charges us with the real crucible in this path, that we, like Jesus, must die to everything, even to the things that have held us on course. She poses the questions, what if everything goes? What happens if we can’t find anything to pull us back, what carries us? This day touches on our ambivalence and is a universal confession of our humanity in all its brokenness, fear and sadness, hopelessness, abandonment, and remorse can we hold onto the promise that even in this we are still being held and join Jesus in saying, “into your hands I commend my spirit”? 

As a way of meditatively engaging this material, we invite you to light a candle, take a few conscious breaths, find your feet, and sink into the quiet that always exists deeply within the sanctuary of your heart. Then, as you are ready, begin to listen to Cynthia’s commentary from the ear of your open heart awareness. Today’s video is about 15 minutes. 

Come back to the gesture Cynthia offers us once again. Work with the text for Part IV by way of the practice of Lectio Divina using this simple modified version:

Read the text or portion of the text, paying attention to what word or phrase stands out to you and allow yourself to repeat it briefly.

Read it a second time, slowly listening and paying attention to what is resonating within, what is troubling, what speaks directly to the heart even if we don’t understand or know why. Listen with your three centers noticing how the text lands in your body in sensation, gestures, postures as well as emotions and feelings that emerge. Allow your mind to ponder the thoughts, associations, and images that arise. Reflect on what comes up and whether there is a specific way it is speaking directly to you. Listen for what is relevant to your life right now.

Read it a third time, noticing whether a prayer or mantra emerges that can be offered on behalf of you, others, the world, or God.

Listen to the music of Part IV of “The Passion,” allowing it to wash over you, resting collected as all that has taken place in the inner sanctuary of your heart continues to settle and assimilate, as you simply sit in the mystery allowing it to draw you deeper. Today’s music is about 22 minutes.

Finally, write down some of what spoke to you from this reflective meditation. What does today’s material teach you about substituted love?

A blessed Holy Week,

Cynthia Bourgeault & Wisdom Waypoints Board

A Journey Through Holy Week: The Passion Libretto

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7 thoughts on “Holy Friday: A Journey Through Holy Week

  1. The music was as water…sometimes a stream, then a tumultuous sea mirroring the the heavens swallowed in utter darkness…The Truth, The Way, and The Life, swallowed up in that ninth hour. Physically I swayed with my face buried in my hands listening to the plunk plunk plunk of the blood of Our Lord dripping, dripping, dripping. The tolling of the bells…begs the question, for whom do the bells toll? The culture of death that pervades our world today under the guise of inclusion and equity. The willful bodily mutilation of children…CHILDREN!!! Offering humanity up to the alter of transhumanism to be electronically lobotomized or physically euthanized (& without parental consent.) A culture at every turn that tries to convince us that we are everything but what we really ARE. The only Great Reset is the one Jesus promises…Today you shall be with me in Paradise. The dark clouds are again gathering. Take heart… and, be of good courage. If ever there were a time to speak truth to power it is now.

  2. This experience has touched me deeply and strengthened my faith and ability to love myself and the world more intimately. Thank you Cynthia.
    Your words speak to me as no other.

  3. “Eli , Eli lama sabachtani!” Nothing left… surrender; “In to your hands I commend my spirit… ” both needed … Yes, I agree with Meister Echart – both needed – and they still are. This day in my apartment – door open to the nature – outside the melting snow and warm air, the sun shining – and this loneliness and still togetherness. This glorious music with your Libretto; This experience can best be described in my mother tonque : Jumalaisen kaunista, syvää, kirkasta, kuultavaa ja samanaikaisesti järkyttävän ehdotonta, tummaa, ankaraa ja lamauttavan paljastavaa / Divinely beautiful, deep, clear, sensitive and subtle and on the other hand absolute, deep and harsh and bare – shocking.
    Thank you dear Chyntia, for giving this and you gave this with love. A gift of Love.

  4. “Into your hands I commend my spirit.”
    These words reminds me how Jesus freely and willing gives Himself into the hands of God. Today Jesus saved me by give His life totally. I accept the gift of new life in Him. I pray to stand fire in Him in my hardships and difficult times. Thank you Cynthia for explaining the ways of cross to walk with Jesus in my life. God bless you.


  6. Once again, the poignancy of the both/and; the holding so gently the excruciating pain, injustice and suffering in our world, with the hope and promise of a greater Love at work, fills me with a kind of terrified wonder and awe. Has this story, told year after year, had some effect? I have to believe it has and even in our hearing now, it is reaching into places where change is possible.
    Thank you for such touching beauty.

  7. Dear Cynthia, this is both utterly heart wrenching and an imprint of deep abiding faith that we so desperately need in our times. I awoke this morning so sad, alone and all I could think of was trusting Jesus on the Cross, ‘into your hands I commend my spirit” and I agree with Meister Eckhart, it is both; it’s as if you have to let the feelings of utter abandonment take you into a darkness of panic and despair and only then, when you turn to God is it from everything within you.
    This gift you have offered all of us now at this time with its glorious music is exactly what will support and carry us through these dark days. Thank you so much and bless you.

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